A year ago today

Jun 06, 2024 19:42

Hard to believe it’s been a year. These past twelve months have been a wild ride. Bits of it have been extremely good, bits (like the death of my mother) extremely bad, but there’s been nothing average anywhere in this year.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of something very, very good.

It began, as these things often do, more than a year ago. A beginning is a very delicate time, I hear, and so it was much more than a year ago that I first talked to her about beta testing some new prototype sex toys.

I don't exactly remember how we first noticed each other. I know where-it was on Quora-and I vaguely remember seeing her around, thinking she struck me as a good writer and a generally positive person. She said something in passing about trsting sex toys, I had some prototypes, I was looking for beta testers, so I slid into her DMs with something like “I hope you’ll forgive the intrusion, but would you be interested in trying something out?”

We started talking after. She invited me to a pen and paper role-playing game. I grew to appreciate her skill at wordsmithing, of the pragmatic and erotic sort. She called me her Toymaker. I called her my Talespinner.

A friend of hers observed that the Talespinner and the Toymaker sounds like a YA novel. We were both like “You know...”

I said “Do you wanna?” She said “Sure!”

Time went on. I invited her to accompany me to Barcelona with the rest of the poly network. She said yes.

And so, a year ago, I got on a plane to Springfield.

She showed me around her town: a giant alien xenomorph made of scrap iron.

Chrome steel bunnies and a frog.

And a lovely little rum bar, where I confessed I would very much like to kiss her. “Hold that thought!” she said.

She took me to a rushing fountain, where we shared our first kiss, one year ago today.

We went to Barcelona, where she met the rest of the polyfam. Later, she would tell me she was amazed by how warm and welcoming they were-no hesitation, no reservation.

I am so deeply grateful to have surrounded myself with people I love who love me, who have no weirdness, no animosity toward one another. It’s deeply relaxing and wonderful.

The book still marches on. We meet over videoconference to work on it when we aren’t together. We are, as I write this, just over 93,000 words in, which in any other book would mean we’re nearly done, but this thing is a monster-the most complex novel I’ve ever been part of. We’re targeting 160,000 words.

We’re calling it Spin, and it’s grown into something that is definitely not a YA novel, something dark and brooding, something complex and ambitious. Fitting, I think, because our relationship is turning out to be something more than I expected as well.

And she still helps me beta-test new prototypes.

I am profoundly blessed.

pictures, sex, love, vacation, writing, polyamory

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