Friends, I urgently need your help. A former partner is currently trying to claim my trademark, and take the domain “More Than Two.”
For more than sixteen years, I have worked to make my site a resource for relationship ideas and advice. Now the site is under threat. Someone I was once romantically involved with is attempting to
claim the trademarks for “More Than Two” and take the website and domain name itself.
I have been writing about polyamory on the web since 1997, and I have poured thousands of hours into writing on the domain name More Than Two since 2006. I cannot express in words how disheartening it is to pour so much time, love, and effort into something, and receive countless emails from people who say how much it has changed their lives, only to have someone else try to come along and take it away.
In addition to that, my ex also filed a lawsuit attempting to nullify a legal settlement we arrived at in November.
Unfortunately, defending myself from these actions in court is incredibly expensive. I have never made any money from the website; for decades it has been a labor of love I’ve given away for free. (I recently placed advertising on the site, which pays for most of the site’s expenses most months.)
I hate asking for help, but I also hate that someone else may take away something I’ve worked on for so long. At this point, I don’t know what else to do.
I’ve started a crowdfunder to raise money to defend the site. Please, if you can help at all, even with a dollar or two, it would mean a lot to me. I get so many emails from people who tell me how much the site has meant to them and how it’s improved their lives. I want to make sure it remains available for future visitors too. This site means a lot to me personally, and a lot to other people as well. Please help me save it. Please help by donating here: