denwa &
how much will it cost to save for rooming for 2 weeks? im sorry if its a bother ?
Yessi :)
things to do
-algebra practice im getting a B :D (note on the border line
-Study for History ( ehh kinda sucking at!)
-find out about the fucking tickets... i just get so confused cause i get scared for calling cause they say they charge an extra 50 dollars for over-the-phone reservation fee and its like fuck! ..
urgh i hate money like with a fiery passion...well not money this economy is really. how did it get so fucked up!? and yeah i think my dad is wanting to buy a house for himself in texas... i just feel like fucking wow. ...on a good note i think i want
him! :D i mean there supose to live longer than 20 years and i really could use a friend when i move cause im not gonna know anyone :_( i hate this.