the shit thats been going on..

May 13, 2008 12:39

basically in a nutshell
phone- okay so me and my brother(duche bag)have our phone lines in my dad's name. Because said duchebag hasnt been making payments (like an asshole) BOTH our phones are suspended which im f***ing pissed because unlike him i have resonsibilities and i need my phone and its just fucking difficult and unfair bc I HAVE BEEN PAYING for my i cant even recieve text messages or anything. my phone is basically useless T_T

at home- its a warzone. I really dont have that many luxeries (ie own car, computer, or even like a chilled dinner with them ect) because of said know and I really dont care. I just want my life to run smooth. but just because said brother is a douch and f***ed up his life i have to play fucking with the skank whore at night (not pleasnt after coming home from work), have to hide my tips in said undergarments to avoid them from suddenly *Missing* also anything that is worth pawing to him ( he has pawn TWICE my playstation 2, video games, and digital camera that i bought with MY money) know..just what the fuck did i do to them? I just want to live my life I always wanted a cool family were everyone wasnt a fucking enemy . and if it wasnt bad enough because both our phones our suspended we have to share phone and computer which now its worse because he hogs them ALL the fucking time..

Im honestly just sick of it. theres only so much people can fucking take anymore. I hate it so much im so fucking sick of staying at this house. If it wasnt for my mom urgh iunno i just dont know what to do...

im just fucking happy i can get away this weekend...
i fucking hate people right now.
i am honestly AMAZED at how fucking greedy and selfish people can be...

i am just honestly SICK of being everyone's expectaction, im just a fucking person for crist sake
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