Jul 27, 2010 14:25
Hello everyone and welcome to the Tachikoma school of mechanical biodiversity! There've been some really foul misconceptions about us Tachikoma on this ship, so this lesson is all about setting things right!
And awa~ay we go!
Alright, now that that's out of the way, you really should know, we're not that dissimilar! In fact, maybe if I just show you how we're different, it'll be easy to see how we're the same, right? Okay!
For starters, we Tachikoma are obviously very physically different from the humanoid species on board! In fact, our design is based on the multi-ped balance of a jumping spider! This shape is the best one for a variety of reasons, and confirmed through rigorous testing!
[There is a brief video of a Tachikoma executing a medium-length leap, from one deck to another, followed by a short clip of it rearing up like a spider's threat-display. It doesn't seem very stable in the latter. The video cuts out again, limited by the short recording times.]
Of course, this also means that your biological recognition software can't easy tell what I mean, because our bodies are so different!
But never fear! All Tachikoma representatives are well-trained in the art of mimicry! We do our utmost to recreate comparative body-language, for ease of conversation! But try not to get creeped out. Is arachnophobia a real disorder? Sheesh.
[The visual is back! Now it's showing a small paper cut-out of a spider, then zooms back to show a human being, then again to show the comparable size of a Tachikoma. The human being is a life-sie cardboard stand-up of Captain Redd. God only knows where Musashi found it. It cuts to black again.]
Now, even though I have multiple sets of eyes, my visual range with most of them is actually very limited! Of course, that's why there's so many- it's important to be able to see in all directions in combat situations. Of course, my sense of touch is also well developed!
And now, it's trivia time!
Did you know, Tachikoma can't feel physical pain? We're aware of damage, and we can be frightened or shocked, but we don't actually feel that kind of debilitation in strong emotion! Of course, that can be called a downside, as well.
[It clears its throat, proudly]
A Tachikoma has no mouth at all! There's no need. As Mechanical intelligences we can take in energy in a variety of fashions, including internal nuclear reserves, external electrical charging, even replaceable chemical batteries! Of course, all Tachikoma need one important thing to keep us going- oil! Natural or synthetic, this lubricant is an important part of daily Tachikoma maintenance. Don't forget to take care of your body, right?
[There is a rather pronounced fluid hiss as Musashi demonstrates the oil-intake sound for the microphone.]
Ah! Refreshing! Just as human beings are able to distinguish between different flavors, we Tachikoma can distinguish between kinds and qualities of oil! Don't forget- quality first. You only live once!
My manipulators are the last few segments on the end of my frontmost limps.
They're analogous to hands, right? I have three digits! don't expect me to grasp much, though, as my 'hands' also house weaponry! Don't worry, I won't shoot you without orders!
Speaking of ammunition, you're probably wondering what these things are, from before, right?
[The video is just a still from the earlier full-body shot of a Tachikoma, with a red flashing arrow pointing at the liquid wire-guns]
Well that...a secret! Can't give away too much, right? I'll ruin my mystique!
Tune in next time to find out more secrets of the mysterious and deadly Tachikoma! G'bye!
within this breast beats a digital heart,
stupid ideas,
that turned out awesome,
this one's hopeless,
complete idiocy,
talking to myself (again)