May 05, 2010 00:35
[Musashi has discovered, loudly, the joy of stomping lobsters. They make a delightful crunch, a myriad of beautiful snaps and leave truly satisfying puddles of gore in their wake. The Tachikoma may be found at odd hours, stalking up and down the beach like a miniature, blue, spider-shaped Godzilla, pursuing and stomping down small groups of terrified, trilling lobsters, each just the right size for a cooking pot or a Tachikoma footprint, whichever gets them first.
It's easy to tell when it's coming because it is now preceded by a horrified crowd of fleeing lobsters. suck it, Redd! Violence is still violence when you're perpetrating it against shellfish!]
!open commentlog,
"awesome" ideas,
when good tachikoma go bad