Explorations of Depravity!

Apr 20, 2010 00:27

Alright, everyone, I'm prepared to make a detailed analysis of the current goings-on and categorize them for you! Please stand by for a report written by your very own Tachikoma Musashi! You may thank me now or later, whichever is more convenient for you.

[That Ironhide need not apply does not need speaking. Musashi hasn't forgotten to hate you, you thick-domed heatsink-less son of a whore and a drunken flybelt's bastard child.]

And remember, even in these chaotic times, try not to break any of the Major or Mister Batou's very important rules. Just because the boat has become a little more itneresting that doesn't mean we can't find you.

[First stop, Deck Three for flowers! Yes, some of them are poisonous, but somehow, Musashi thinks that it's better that way. It wouldn't do to leave non-lethal flowers on the grave of a member of Section Nine. Having read that it's a graveyard, and having heard that someone found their own grave, Musashi is eager to pay its respects like a good Tachikoma should.

It doesn't linger.

Next, it's a hop up to Deck Eleven, finding nothing particularly terrible on the way. (one idiot ball, bright red. It carefully places the ball in a corner to be collected later. Red balls are so nice.) That done, onward to Deck Ten, which is very interesting, indeed.

It fully intends to visit all the rest, but...]

the best laid plans, rules must be followed, i might be planning something, stupid idea, talking to myself (again)

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