Jan 31, 2010 00:25


ATTENTION PEOPLE OF THE ELEGANTE. This is an announcement, which was passed on to me from Mister Batou! It was written by Major Kusanagi, and it is my solemn duty to read it to you!

[It pauses and there is a brief rustling of paper]

"Major Kusanagi wishes it to be known that if you're thinking about seeking her help for any sort of information warfare task in the future: don't."

[There is a brief pause, as if to allow time for the cheering to die down]

The committee for evaluation of the Major's intentions theorizes that this is a result of how incurably stupid you've all exhibited yourself to be in the past week. As this is a humanitarian committee, you are encouraged to seek immediate help, which can be offered in both punitive and conciliatory form by either Mister Batou or myself.

Convenient pharmaceutical treatments are under development!

!mister batou, !samus aran, !gippal, !erol, !ratchet, !the major, !open commline, i hope the major sees, !remy whitecastle, we love mister batou, i did good?, you're all dumb nooney heads, rookies, this one's hopeless, !ironhide, !leonardo

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