OMG what is that and dumb people blurb

Jan 11, 2008 12:09

and now that i have scarred you

SO i would consider Japan being the forefront of graphic design. it's great i love! even the simpliest thing that you get at the hyaku yen shop looks great! HOWEVER with great successes there is the equal amount of suckage. and greater you are the suckier exist to compensate.

why do i say graphic artist you have hope? let's just say that if people like who i am about to talk about you'd understand!

so i have been fighting this endless battle about a package design that i got. apparently the printer they chose (which was a different one from before that i fought with) only has illustrator 9....THAT"S IT PEOPLE ILLUSTRATOR FUCKING 9 WHICH for those of you in the industry know as the bastard child of adobe. it is just a piece of crap and people avoided this thing like a plague praying that illustrator 10 comes soon. which it did. but anyways.

The file is originally a indesign cs3 which later i had to re make in which i had to down grade to illustrator 8 which does not support layers very well...

SO to make a long story short...i get a e mail this morning. and they said that a type need to be outlined cause it looks weird because they don't have the font....

um.....i sent you a font folder....twice....JUST INSTALL THE DAMN THING is what i'm telling myself in my head...but it doesn't stop there! it gets better!

"OH there's a layer that doesn't look right! i can't print this!"

well the layer they were refering to was a layer that had the original japanese template they sent me. i didn't want to ruin their layer so i created my own and turned their layer off aka invisible aka you can't see it aka if you can't see it doesn't prnit!!! so they freak out...and instead of taking 2 seconds and click that invisible layer and dragging into the little trash can icon. they have to e mail me and tell me about it so i can do it. re save it. re upload it to their ftp that is slower than a 100 year old man walking in molases.

so yea... graphic artists out there don't despair. as long as idioits like this exist you will always be better!
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