You Silly Goose!

Jul 28, 2010 21:30

Two hilarious things my brother did that cracked me up horribly (<---at the time that is): 1. While visiting my grandparents for his birthday, i was using my Japanese version of Final Fantasy Tatics A2 風穴のグリモァ, on my highest level of course (and i could only have two empty slots to save my game) and he prefered not to use the cleared one (or the one i recently finished after two whole years of not paying attention to it) as it so happened to be saved in a mission and he didn't understand the rules (so the judge wouldn't send his people to jail when they were defeated), he ended up using the uncleared file. As he did so, i told him he couldn't use "copy" techniques, and that's all he asked. When after a few minutes into the game he suddenly exclaims, "what the hell?! Why did i just cure my enemy?!". I looked over at him to see what the ruckus was all about when i saw that he was using Adele who was currently in White Mage mode. I couldn't help myself and cracked up so much at his predicament. He said "i'm never using this game ever again!". Too bad so sad.

2. He normally keeps his hair nice and trimmed and i never once found fault with it. In fact, i fancied his hair cut a bit, and told him once that if i were a guy and didn't have such a round face, i'd totally trim it like his, but he thought i was bluffing and didn't say anything else about it until recently. There i was, in my own room minding my own beeswax and reading a book, when suddenly, just as he's about to leave to take the bus, he says, "My hair looks like a sodding lesbian's! Seriously, it's terribly short!" I couldn't help but laugh at that outrageous claim, and told him quite seriously, "Your hair would look lesbian if you were a girl in the first place, you dork." He still didn't heed me and said, "but my haaaaaaair looks like a lesbian's!" This time i didn't try to deny anything and REALLY looked at him. Lo and behold, i imagined him as a girl and imagined him saying that again, and it did seem like he truly had lesbian hair. I told him then after laughing to tears that maybe the lesbians used his hair-cut as a model for their own. XD
 Which also reminds me, one time my dad came home from work very happy about something, when he says that during his work, there were loads of lesbians and gays in the party (he works at a country club that's why) when he suddenly turns to one of his chums and tells him, "you know, sometimes i feel like i'm a lesbian..." and the guy just looks at him as if saying, "are you mad?". Until he finally gets it.

 Hmmm what a surprise, i actually did manage to find one with my brother's hair cut! XD I guess he was right.

hair-cuts, white mage, final fantasy a2 fuuketsu no grimoire, lesbians, キャット・アデル, ファイナル・ファンタジーA2風穴のグリモァ

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