Jan 16, 2017 09:22
...and I really, REALLY, want to get a t-shirt that says exactly that. Because.
Just did my taxes, and am still claiming the standard deduction. I am reminded once more by the bean counting digital world that I aught to get married or something.
Bought a HP Omen (not the weird boxy one) as a Christmas present to myself this year. It's been near 20 years since I last had a dedicated gaming rig, and this one comes with a NVidia GTX 1080 video card. I've spent the last three weeks downloading all of my old games and playing each of them for 5 minutes to check out how they look. After all the previous years of playing games with the graphic settings set to "what is the blurry object in front of me" I can now see them as they were intended. It's all so... beautiful. *sniff*
Now I need to find something I really want to play on it.
Am for the most part enjoying the winter weather that is long over-due in this tiny part of the world. Excited to see a drop in the insect population come this spring as the ants, spiders, and everything else were just getting crazy.
Nothing to report on the dating front. I begin to suspect that I may want to look for something a bit more non-conventional.