It's been a while since I last posted...

Jan 11, 2007 15:22 I might as well do a quick catchup here.

Christmas went surprisingly well. I got a new desktop computer to play games on (a 20" iMac) and I gave my sister my old HP laptop (15" system) to use for school. I think she is more excited about it then I was. *laugh*

No issues so far with the new Lapband lifestyle. Eating differently, of course, other then that not much as changed. As I don't own a scale (nor do I plan too in the near future) I am not sure how much, if any, weight I have lost... but I do know that my pants are getting pretty loose around the waist and I'm going to have to either buy new pants so, or a couple of belts.

Oniko (the scooter) is doing well, and I'm still riding almost every day. I can now add that I've ridden through hail and sleet to the list, not something that I really want to make a habit of though. Have plans to powder-coat the new lowered seat frame I got. Once that is done I'll get a couple new photos to post.

Have learned my lesson about answering my phone at 2am, as I have now twice this week been called at such an hour to drive a friend to the emergency room. Am pretty damn tired now since I have missed a lot of sleep because of it.

Looking forward to the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade release next week, and have been playing a bit more recently.

Had another dating possibility explode in my face. I am not sure if I am simply cursed, doing things wrong, am self-destructive, or what... but it's getting pretty damn annoying now.

blogging, random, lap-band, scooter, dating, gaming, laptop

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