I am making virtual fortune cookies. This is an idea I had years ago, and did via e-mail for a few friends back then. But I feel like doing it once again, and what better time than 1 AM monday morning of a snow day? So. Pick a fortune by clicking an LJ cut (it's the one at the very top of the page when you click).
You will find great joy in putting your true talents to use to help others.
You should never turn your back on yourself.
First put your faith in yourself, then put your faith in others.
There is one prerequisite to being a truly happy human being: you must have the capacity to breath.
Open your eyes and really look and you will see something fascinating.
Never turn your back on your passions.
Pain subsides.
Blame is useless. Let nature take its course and do your best to steer it in the right direction.
Grudges and emnity only harm yourself. Don't fool yourself into believing that they are hurting anyone else as much as they'll hurt you.
Let yourself move on with life. Life, by nature, wants to move on.
Guidence will always be present for those who seek it.
Words can only take you so far. Live your life with action.
Don't ever forget the simple, beautiful things in life.
Love comes in many forms. Don't let yourself fall victims to their ideals.
Always be sincere.
Take the reigns in your own life. Never allow yourself to lose control of the situations you are in. You must never be a spectator in your own life.
Make connections to other people. It will get you a long way and add much spice to your life.
Never turn down the opportunity for a friendship.
Knock twice and be sure you're prepared for what's inside before opening any door.
Stand on your head. Getting a different perspective is always important.
Don't forget to breathe.
Yeah. Uh. They're pretty silly and cheesy but it IS one AM. So give me a break. I might add more tomorrow. But I can't come up with many tonight.