Mar 17, 2006 19:44
My trip to the dentist:
The trip to the dentist was just slightly upsetting. They think the little cartilage disc between my jaws is not staying where its suppose to stay. Its suppose to act as a cushion between the jaws, and instead, its moving out to the side. Without an MRI, they can't tell if its damaged or deformed, but hopefully, a night splint might help. The x-rays show the jaw itself is fine, which is a good thing.
The impressions for the splint did not go very well. First, they couldn't fit their smallest metal plate into my mouth. Then after going through several plastic plates, they found something to work, but the goop stuck to the plastic, and they couldn't get it out. Then they tried again, but the sensation of a nasty, viscous goo, oozing against the top of my mouth and rolling toward the back of my throat triggered my gag reflex, so my feet shot up and I grabbed the girl's hand. She thought she was hurting me, and started apologizing while ignoring the fact that I'm trying to signal that I'm choking. I'm motioning frantically, when the dentists looks and says, "I think she's gagging." Sheesh! Then that impression didn't come out right, so they tried it again, shoving it farther back in my mouth, and telling me to breath through my nose, relax your face, etc. I'm was trying to breathe, but instead, I'm making snorting pig noises, and my eyes are watering. The dentist tells me to rub my thumbs and fingers together, (I'm thinking this is only a method of distraction), and they finished right before I almost passed out. All this occurred over a span of an hour and a half. I practically crawled to my car. Now, I go back a week from tomorrow to see if they made the mouth guards right. Let's hope so.