Oct 03, 2004 00:22
So, Melanium, Ben and I went to Yorktown today. 'Twas fun. We got to Von Maur just as Michael was leaving (*curses the world for not being able to see him play*). Melanium made me laugh by saying "Suit! He's wearing a suit" *turns to Ben* "Why can't you dress like that?"
However, I am currently being pissy at him because guess who got to stay home by herself tonight and watch The Brady Bunch Reunion, The Northwestern Game, and When Harry Met Sally (twice). Yes. That would be me. Even though I had called in sick at work in order to hang out with him tonight. So I am mad at him, and shall be superbitch tommorrow with a lit of "Yeah"s and "Whatever"s when he calls.
However, the guy who played the middle Brady boy is a very attractive older man.
And Northwestern won (even though, if Michael went without me, I wished they had lost) (though it was a VERY exciting game).
And I would never, under any circumstances, sleep with Billy Crystal. Not even if we were the last two people on earth and the future of the world depended on us procreating. Sorry, world, it ain't gonna happen.
I have gotten a fair amount of homework done, which is good.
I am going to make that boy grovel for my forgiveness. Grovel, I tell thee. Fucking. Grovel.