Feb 27, 2007 22:04
Today I woke up with an extreme sense of relaxation. It was the kind of day where I knew I'd get a few things done off of a very short list of things I should do but weren't strictly important that I finish today. It was the kind of day that makes me happy.
So I said good morning to myself with a heaping bowl of bite size frosted mini wheats and an early views of last nights episode of Heroes and then started to organize my dirty laundry. Around mid afternoon I was done with that (which goes to show A. how long I take between laundry days, and B. that I have far to many cloths) when I realized that today was the day that my favorite movie I saw last year, Stranger Than Fiction, came out today. So I planned a quick trip to Walmart, picked it up and then spent the evening watching it with my little brother after dinner.
All in all I'd say that I am very content and lucky with how my days proceed.I have my health, a boyfriend who I love and he loves me (or at least since last I checked **wink**) a more that adequately stable base of friends and family and two jobs that pay my bills and keep me moderately entertained. All that and lets not forget the plethora of shiny shiny distractions I make for myself like PSPs, RPGs, DVDs and a whole bunch of other acronyms I could list off like I know you care.
This is the part where I could decide to geek out and keep you all about my latest mod or explain that website and how it lead me to... but I'll try to hold back. If you talk with me you get enough of that, and if I told you here then what would I talk with you about?
So, I'm going to try an experiment... I want to keep writing in my LJ, also I want to try to find people I know and add them to my friend page. I want to connect more with people in know in here and try to portray to you, the reader, my points of view on 'in-cert topic of interest here'. However, I find myself severely lacking in topics, and I don't want to write in here about my 'pink fuzzy days' like some kind of checklist.
If I could, I would like to make this a kind of pubic forum on how I think and feel. What do YOU want to know about me? Give me a question, a topic, or a statement with how you feel about something. I'll make good on my threat to bring you more slightly edited words (believe me, you want a spell check) when pointed into the place you want me to type about. Maybe this will make my mind go into places I did not think it would... or shall I discuss my last PSP hack?
Comment on any ones LJ page that you know I talk with, tell them about my page. I would love to get this ball rolling.