Clovember delayed: Grain of the Pollen

Nov 30, 2016 14:30

A pox on that Photobucket! While I was hardly likely to be posting a pic daily under the current (manic) work circumstances, I did try to slap up a few more, only to be thwarted time and time again by Photobucket, which refused to let me upload anything and kept on logging me out. FEH! Still. Today it finally seems to have cooperated, which means I can post an outfit I wore a few weeks ago in the throes of truly dreadful hay fever. It was warm (something which has happened seldom, this spring), and I opted for the time-honoured folk remedy that is Hair of the Dog. In this case, wearing a pollen yellow skirt printed with flowers.

I shunned wearing yellow for years. Sure, it's a cheery sort of a colour, but I was always convinced that it would give my semi-Asian complexion the sunny glow of a jaundice sufferer. Since then, though, I have taken to reading a handful of style blogs, two of which feature dainty young Chinese women who pull off yellow admirably and made me realise that the mustard I have long shunned goes remarkably well with an assortment of other colours. I'm still not sure I'd wear it next to my face, but as a skirt, why not?

GAH, back to my frantic online research on the top nine countries from which international students come to Australia...
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