(Such a quiet Clovember this year. Tch. But I shall forge on, December tho' it be where I am, and post one last clo post!)
It's not often that I wear an outfit my grandmother would approve of. My (paternal) grandmother was a deeply prudish soul with a penchant for feminine fussiness and loudly expressed disapproval for denim and all things black, tight and revealing. I have vivid memories of sitting in a cafe with her all but fanning herself in righteous outrage at the sight of the waitress in tight black T-shirt and denim mini. "Good *heavens*!" exclaimed she. "Look at what that girl's wearing. I think it's RUDE! Don't you go dressing like that, my love. Just disgusting!"
Ahh, Grandma.
Still! Yesterday's outfit would have her smiling up from the grave, for not only was it Modest and Demure, it contained both florals *and* pink in glorious girly harmony, with not a skerrick of black or denim to be seen! Behold Grandma's Delight:
I rather like this outfit, Grandma-friendly though it is. Come to think of it, its Grandma-friendliness may at least partly be due to the skirt having been a present from my late ex-Grandmother-in-law. I like it and its flared floral goodness. It also has a remarkably crafty design, whereby it wraps around the body and is secured by two buttons on the inside which can be moved at will in minutes as your waist grows and shrinks (which mine has been inclined to do over the five years or so I've owned it). If I was capable of sewing clothes (rather than just, erm, buying a lot of them), I would totally convert it into a pattern and make copies in a few different fabrics. At the moment it's a bit big in the waist, so I hoicked it in some more with a chocolate brown elastic belt. The shirt is my favoured shade of light pink (a slightly mauve-y hue that seems to bring rosiness to my cheeks) and the chocolate brown Mary Janes, which I actually bought with this skirt in mind, are remarkably comfortable.
While I'm being all Clovemberous, I might as well bung in a few other outfits I photographed but haven't posted. Here are some samples of my newfound discovery that mint goes surprisingly well with red accents. And now that I have some red coral pendants to go with my growing collection of RED SHOES (gotta love RED SHOES), I figure I might as well work the mint and coral combo, here with in hippy tiered dress and flat strappy sandals...
...and here in trapeze knit top over jeans:
Scanning the other shots I took, here's what I decided would pass as Hot Weather Corporate (or possibly, Day At The Races), an outfit in which I actually condemned my feet to proper high-heeled pumps for running a half-day training program. They proved surprisingly manageable for four hours of prancing about and talking, but as soon as I headed off afterwards and wore them shopping, the change in walking pace promptly began to crush my toes and blister my heels. I've had this hat stashed for years and barely worn it because it's a bit too big and falls off, but it's now getting a new lease of life, as I've discovered it fits perfectly over a French roll!
Enough Clovembering - I seriously need to get to bed. Gruelling day of training from 8:30-5 with only a half-hour break scheduled for tomorrow, and I'm still recovering from shingles...