Yesterday's warmth has given way to rainy cool. I was originally going to head for work this afternoon to do some filming, but all has gone awry there and I'm now looking taking B1 to his orientation morning at his new pre-school (junior gap year!) then a peaceful afternoon at home finishing my project report and the booklet I'm developing for teachers (aimed at explaining how to make teaching materials accessible to non-native English speakers Without Dumbing Them Down). Which is good. Low-key comfortable clo today then.
Cor, check out the suspicious sidelong glare at the phone. And the smudgy handprints near the bottom, courtesy of B2, which I might move myself to clean off some time today. I was on the fence about these olive jeans (a recent Retail Therapy purchase), as I really do not need more clothes, but I'm glad I got them. They're made of some soft stretchy fabric far more comfortable than your average stretch denim, and I'm liking their versatile, neutral but still interesting colour. I tried a long red scarf with white polka dots at the neck, but it just didn't do the job (didn't look right with the cream tunic top), so it's on with the pink and white paisley square one. I do like square scarves that lend themselves to being worn cowboy-style.
OK, to breakfast. My father's here helping me hang up pictures this morning, and I need to get off the computer and get my day started.