Sep 06, 2005 22:25

if joyce is going to dye her hair the same color as mine, then i'm totally going to steal quizzes out of her lj! take that!

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How many monkeys could thepico fight at once and win against? maybe one and a half...
2) What is bombs___away's biggest flaw? erm...she's related to me??
3) What is bob__'s favorite game? i-have-never with shots of 'anti-freeze'!
4) Is eyesopen281 popular? fuck yea!
5) How long would 9tailsdemonfox dating alivati last? uhh...as long as sean could keep it up?? lol, toootally kidding... =P
6) Is chibidreamer related to brake4buddha27? i really, really doubt it.
7) Would nick412 be a better ninja or pirate? definately a better pirate. better at boozing than ass-kicking.
8) What do you disagree with nichtfordich about? well she won't believe me when i tell her she's freakin' gorgeous!
9) Is bigdaddy_881 in a relationship? yeah, WITH MY BOYFRIEND!
10) What flavor of jello would torn_envelope be? probably berry-blast. all the good stuff!
11) Where would el_libre most like to visit? ohio, apparently...for one possible long-ass visit.
12) Is fadesaway a college student? no, not just yet.
13) Do you think sammyboy85 is hot? hotter than hell, actually. especially with the emo hair. =P
14) Where did you first meet alivati? detusche klasse! w00t!!
15) One quality you find attractive in dabearzfan4life? he's always so nice to me. seriously, it's really super.
16) What video game does akinaga remind you of? if i played more video games, i might actually have an idea!
17) Is turtle_venom related to you? no, thank god! (that would have made for some awkward situations!)
18) What is ghcaptain allergic to? your mom? no, i actually don't know.
19) Where was fadesaway born?i would guess DSM...?
20) If da_chort_mach3 were hanging off a cliff, what would losing_nick do? admit her ever-lasting love for him, probably.
21) Does bigdaddy_881 have a dog? again, i have no clue. why all the personal life questions about the brad-boy?!?!
22) What is alivati's favorite color? i would laugh if it weren't black or dark red, lol.
23) What is noobliterator's favorite food? uuh....watermelon? chicken? lol, no i have no clue.
24) Could you see matrixhackerneo and bmbmcrash together? LOL!!!! oooh jessica, don't tell shannan!
25) Which of your friends should noobliterator go out with? i thought that he and jordan would make a bizarre couple, actually...
26) Does skankysquirrel do drugs? nossir. he's a good kid! =D
27) Where was nichtfordich born? you know, i've never asked her
28) What animal should carridwin be combined with? a cat. *hiss!* (not meant negatively at all, btw! cats are awesome!)
29) Would eyesopen281 and skankysquirrel make a good couple? absolutely not. they would have waaay too much trouble choosing who held dominance.
30) What color should hartbreakr89 dye their hair? actually, i really like the color she has it.
31) Would you ever slee with noobliterator? LOL!!!!!!
32) Is skankysquirrel dead sexy? probably one of the sexiest men alive. =O! cole agrees.
33) What is fadesaway's favorite band/artist? oh gosh! she loves so many awesome artists, i doubt she could put one at the top of the list that easily.
34) If sky_song1624 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? half of urbandale! and some geeks like me. =P
35) Has icecubedemon dyed their hair? lol, yeah actually. MY color! copycat!!!

...does everyone remember when people use to say "sweet" all the time? i really liked that...i mean, "tight" was ridiculous, but sweet freakin' kicked ass.
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