Title: Reasons or Reason To Stay In
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG-13 (a tad crude)
Word count: 323
Note: For
15minuteficlets word #188
“We should go out tonight, since your team has been eliminated from the finals. Really no point in contuine watching now is there?” I stand in front of the mirror watching myself speak as I brush the freshly washed and blown dried hair. From the room behind I hear him stand from the bed the sound of his glass being set upon the night stand is heard too.
“I really rather not.” His reflection joins mine, I smile at it.
“Why honey? We haven't done much these last couple of months. The weather is nice. We have enough money for a nice dinner and perhaps a movie. Please?”
“What are we seventeen? It does sound lovely, perhaps tomorrow?” I watch my smile fade as he gains one of sympathy.
“You know I work late tomorrow, I wont be in until at least 1:30.”
“Sorry I forgot. Than what about the day after that?” He stumbles back as I spin around to face him, in the process hitting into him.
“And what exactly is wrong with now? Just give me one good reason, please?” He avoids my eyes, blushes red especially his ears, starts to wring his hands together.
“It's a bit embarrassing.”
“We have been married for seven years nothing you say can be too embarrassing for me to hear or to know.” I rest my hand on his shoulder.
“Well remember that we had taco bell for dinner last night? And I said it made my stomach feel a bit off? You said it was because I ate too fast?” I nod my head. “Well you were wrong, I um have diarrhea. Explosive diarrhea to be exact.” I let go of a laugh, squeezing his shoulder.
“That's it? Honey it's no big deal it happens to all of us. Perhaps we should order pizza and find a movie on TV? And I'll bring the tums too.”
“Thanks and I am sorry.”