Title: Cursing Reality
Series: Christy
Character/Pairing: Neil MacNel, Christy Huddleson, Ruby Mae Morrison
Rating: PG
Word count: 399
Note: For
fanfic100 With a playful giggle she runs from him, around the table, cautious not to knock over any of the chairs, as he matches her step by step. She lets out a soft scream as he makes his move and takes a hold of arm and pulls her into his chest. At this point everything stops, her breathing, the sounds of the world outside the window, only thing still alive it seemed was the over accelerated beating of her heart.
She stares into his beautiful eyes, thinking how he was acting so un-characteristically of his usual behaviors. He was the one that made the teasing remark that sparked her friendly swat at his chest, and in turn he swore to get his just revenge; which lead to the circle around the dining room.
Just like the magnets she taught the children about a few days ago, she moves herself closer to him, closer and closer until she's pressed into his chest. He stiffens unsure what to do, but she makes the decision for him as she tilts her head up and captures his lips with her own. Her first kiss. Better than anything she ever imagined it would be like. He than takes control as he deepens the kiss and gently rubs her back with his strong hands.
"Miz Christy! Ya need to be wakin now!" Christy reculently opens her eyes, to the sight of Ruby Mae leaning forward, inches from her nose.
"I am up Ruby Mae, thank you. Why don't you eat some breakfast I'll be right down."
"I ate all ready, I reckon that dream really knocked you out good!"
"Excuse me?"
"Is almost time for school to start, and weren't waking for nothin'! Just kept on smiling and huggin your pillow. So what were you dreamin' about Miz Christy?" The last words were said with a teenage giggle.
"I don't remember, now I need to get dressed, so off with you."
"It was the preacher wazn't it? Huh? How sweet!"
"Ruby Mae! That's enough, now please go, and let David know I am running late and to get class started." The fire colored child nods with no further words retreats from the room, slamming the door. Christy sits up with a sigh, cursing the truth of reality and counting the hours until she could be with Neil again.