Title: Miracle to Live
Fandom: Original
Word count: 193
multi_ficathon &
museteasers Dear Jane,
I am taking a few scarce moments of quiet from my life to write this letter. I do hope that you are well and your husband too, Hank was it? I do apologize if I got that wrong, you know how I am with names!
Joyous news! The cancer is in complete remission, yes praise the Lord! It's funny, it takes an event like being told you have two years to live to make you really wish to live. In a way the cancer was a blessing and itself a miracle. Without it I would still be sitting in that cubicle dialing the phone like mad trying for the daily high of completed orders. Though it was fun because of you, one couldn't ask for a better person to have seated next to them. Just life is not meant to be lived like that, being yelled at and cursed at.
Now I travel across Europe visiting orphans in places like Siberia teaching them of God and playing my accordian. Simple? In some aspects yes. Boring? Never.
Well dear friend I do hope to see you again real soon.
Love always,