Title: He Reaches Over
Fandom: Law & Order CI
writing_game ,
multi_ficathon Word count: 146
"Do you want us to stop at the drug store to get your prescription filled?" Goren asks as they exit off the interstate into suburban territory of living. Eames answers with the same silence, hearing him, understanding him, but not caring. "Eames?" He reaches over taking a soft hit at her shoulder the instant she jumps (into the door panel), the terror in her eyes, the quicken breathing he knows what a dumb mistake he made.
"No, I'm pretty set for what they gave me at the hospital. I just want to go home." She'll ignore her reaction, too proud or perhaps too embarrassed to admit she was shaken to the core by the earlier ordeal of the day.
"Fine." His one word is quick, annoyed. Not at her, but rather the situation in general and knowledge he was helpless to do anything to help her.