Title: Dollies
Fandom: Christy
Word Count: 200
writing_game Mountie watched with amazement as Miss Alice successfully knocked over every single milk jug with one throw, and her smile grew as the older lady was handed a brand new doll. She had seen plenty of dollies, even had a few; never new. They belonged to an older sister, cousins before and further down the histories mothers. Beautiful as the doll was Mountie just shook her head as Miss Alice attempted to hand it to her.
"Thee have been a good girl Mountie, please take her." Alice said carefully, though still a child she knew Mountie was full of mountain ways of intense emotion and pride.
"No." She stopped herself from touching the brown hair next to tiny red bows.
"Thy is always so busy I won't have time to love her. That won't be right, maybe thee could watch her when thy is away?" Mountie thought for a minute, teacher said this once and over a year later still hadn't asked for the doll back.
"I can do that." Alice smiled as she handed over the doll. "Come on Mountie there is plenty more of the festival to see and thy can practice some more calisthenics."
"Never mind."