Title: Birthday Parties
Fandom: Dear Frankie
Word Count: 158
"Happy Birthday!" Frankie watched them scream out excitement bright in all their faces. The one being honored claps her hands, starts to jump up and down at the table full of badly wrapped gifts, a cake dripping off chocolate frosting and all her friends and family.
He turns his head reluctantly as his mother gently pulls his hand, telling him to get a move on. Usually he was happy with his life, his mum and gran both loved him more than life. While he never saw his da anymore through the letters Frankie also could compute in his heart he too loved him. He made good marks in school had a talent for drawing (according to his ma) but at times he wanted more. Birthday parties full of guests, running around with balloons, just for one day feel normal.
Frankie signs ok as his arm is pulled again, more harshly. He shakes his head as he passes by.