Vent Post: No Good Deed...

Mar 06, 2011 11:08

Our house is almost back to normal.

Story... )

p, b, angry and annoying people, h

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tabloidscully March 7 2011, 20:10:54 UTC
I tend to agree with you. To be fair, he was watching three dogs--but my dogs, Savannah and Little Bit, are adults. They're on the free feed schedule (since we're fairly new LJ friends I'm not sure if you know anything about dogs, so forgive me if this is what you already know) but free feeding just means that we have their food and water bowls down and available whenever they want to eat.

Additionally, it isn't even like we asked him to walk them--we have a small backyard that they can go in, and most of the time, we just leave the backdoor open so that they (Savannah and Little Bit) can come and go as they please. Em's pug is a puppy and was crated most of the day, so he did require a little bit of work to be brought out, fed, and allowed to go to the bathroom. But still, it's not like he had a job, or even any intention of looking for one.

It makes me mad he let the puppy run all over the place. Never mind that he chewed up some stuff (and, as we realized later, clawed the shit out of the frame to the front door because he has separation anxiety) but he could have gotten into something and eaten it and died. Not because he's stupid, but because he's a puppy. You never, ever leave a puppy unsupervised. I'm not a big fan of puppies, especially pug puppies, but the idea of any dog dying at my house due to negligence is wrenching, especially the dog of my best friend. I would never have forgiven myself because I was the one who told her Kris could be trusted.

Never again. Lesson most certainly learned.


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