Diamonds in the souls of our shoes.

Mar 29, 2002 05:37

My feet have been cleansed, following the mandate of Christ. The cryptic is now pretty much finished and is waiting for its solvers. (I'll update the puzzle when I get home to the same link as listed yesterday. Thanks again, davidglasser, for pointing out some simple errors.) And there's actually been work today, a Court pleading that needed a grammatical tune up.

But returning to the Triduum, Holy Thursday has a very unusual Mass for Catholics. Holy Thursday is the feast celebrating the Last Supper, when Jesus created the sacrament of the Eucharist, around which the entire Mass is structured. So Holy Thursday is a big important feast day. But it's also leading up to Christ's death, which is generally regarded by theologians as a major bummer. So the Mass goes a bit weird. In the middle, the priest shows his humility by washing the feet of the congregation (or, more usually a representative dozen). Then later, the consecrated Host, in the Catholic tradition the true Presence of Jesus Christ is taken in adoration, accompanied by several beautiful Latin hymns, around the church and into the rear of the church by the tabernacle. Then it's over and they turn off the lights. Literally. Depending on one's point of view, it is either the most anticlimactic moment in the Liturgical year, or the best cliffhanger, preparing the attendee for the Passion to come in the rest of the Triduum.

But one of the things that I realized at Mass was that I'm a really big coward. Yeah, I know I go on and on about how I'm doing with the personals and yes, I am trying. It's tough and reminds me of job-hunting. But as obliquely discussed in a previous entry, I am more comfortable with an epistolary meeting than with one face-to-face. Evidence: T.

T. is a lector at my parish (as am I). She works in the Parish Center and also helps with the classes of teenagers preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. She's very cute in a shy, determined way. We know each other vaguely and say hi and smile if we pass, but what have I done about it? NOTHING! My most common excuse is, "Well I don't even know how old she is," but have I sought to find out? NO! Why? BECAUSE I'M A BIG COWARD!


So a good Tablesaw goal would be to ask her out. Yes, it would. Indeed, it would. (See how the tablesaw refuses to actually pledge to do this, thinking it very likely that he won't follow through. Let's see if he does.) So I guess I'll...OH LOOK! I have to work now. Seeyabyebye.

people:t, puzzles, religion, best of:2002, love, dating, personals, meta:interesting comments

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