LosCon and Other Things

Nov 25, 2012 19:55

Wow, so, stuff.

I'm at a new temp job, which could become permanent this week. The regularity of the situation has had my looking at this blog again, but scared to post. It's been a while, you see. But I want to post again; I like this blog; it's fun; I like you all (if you're still watching (even if you're not)). But the months of no posting have been daunting.

I've been posting on my twitter a bunch, my tumblr less so. In fact, I posted on Twitter to force my hands to restart my DW by seeing how extended writing works on my tablet.

Also, I have a new tablet, a Nexus 7, replacing the netbook I got from Google. It's lots of fun to play with!

Also, I was at LosCon this weekend, at
trinker's behest. It was, well, it was LosCon, and, thus, disappointing, but I got some shopping done, I had fun in the tabletop gaming room, I saw 3D Mars pictures, and I backed up Trinker on a racism panel. The last is probably going to inspire another post this week.

It's also been a family week with holidays, and a looking forward to Xmastime. I forgot to inflate Jack Skellington for Halloween, so I may do that now for Xmas.

There, that's some stuff. A start. Good to see you all again.

This journal has moved to Dreamwidth. Entry originally posted at http://tablesaw.dreamwidth.org/499889.html.



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