Last Day at 8:30

Sep 28, 2011 10:51

Schedules are changing at work, and though that's usually something to worry about, things are working out well for me. My schedule is moving back 90 minutes, so instead of going into work at eight thirty in the morning and leaving at five o'clock, I'm going in at ten and leaving at six thirty.

The announcement was not without drama, of course. Our supervisors made the mistake of telling some people on Friday, but then waiting until Monday to inform the rest of us who were out that day. Of course, the rest of us still came to work on Saturday and Sunday, so the Friday people dropped the bomb first. In fact, one of them had gleaned some information about my schedule from our supervisor, and told me about it on Saturday. Not cool.

But considering that I've been having trouble getting into bed before one o'clock most nights, recently, this should be a really positive development for me.

This journal has moved to Dreamwidth. Entry originally posted at


sleep, work

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