Fuck You, Boston.

Jan 18, 2011 18:28

I spent the weekend with many wonderful people. But I spent it in Boston, a city that hates me and wants me to die cold and alone.

So before I talk about the Hunt and all the other noteworthy things from this weekend, I would like to alert Boston to a few things.
  • I just walked out to get a salad made of locally-grown organic vegetables. Also, I was wearing sandals.
  • In fact, it's so warm, I need to open up my windows to make sure the house cools down a little.
  • Southland is fliming outside my house tomorrow. Literally right outside my window.
Yeah, fuck you, Boston.

(P.S. Boston People I still love, mkay?)

This journal has moved to Dreamwidth. Entry originally posted at http://tablesaw.dreamwidth.org/468578.html.


food, los angeles, puzzles:mystery hunt, travel, rants, tv

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