Anonymous Friend: An Ill-Advised Topher/Bennett Fanmix

Sep 12, 2010 14:16

The first of three fanmixes for
whedonland. This one is for the Dollhouse pairing of Topher and Brink. Links go to MP3s where freely available, and to streaming versions for everything else.

I wanted a mix that Topher could theoretically give to Bennett. But I realized that Topher would be far to oblivious to do something as straightforward as hand a mix CD to someone he likes. No, Topher would surreptitiously breach their computer's security and leave the music there as a surprise.

The music's as geeky as I could make it: chiptunes, nerdcore, mashups, and indie guitars. As a result, the "love" songs tend to be tinged, to greater and lesser degrees, by the mistakes that geek guys make about love. They can be overly obsessive and objectifying, talking about women instead of to them. Putting this mix together, I kept thinking, "No, Topher, that's not going to do what you think it will!" Hence, "ill-advised."

Data Rock, "Computer Camp Love" (Youtube) (MOV file)Seen as supremus
You better know she's a genius and a Venus.
Topher's a bit young to have gone to computer camp in '84 (Fran Kranz was born in 1983), but if he had gone, this would be his life.

Nullseep, "Her Lazer Light Eyes" (MP3)

This was once presented to me as a love song, and now it will always be so, despite the lack of lyrics.

MC Chris, "Nrrrd Grrrl" (streaming from artist's website)I've got a girl to kick their ass like River from Serenity
You know, they do look similar, now that you mention it.

Nordloef, "Buddy Holly" (MP3)I look just like Buddy Holly,
And you're Mary Tyler Moore
From an album of chiptune covers of Weezer songs. I decided I had too many guitars on the mix, so I used this version to balance things out.

Random (aka Mega Ran), "Splash Woman" (Youtube)Beautiful but deadly, she was mad cunning.
Another nerdcore, but the only videogame-themed song on the mix. It's also about two people caught in a "which one is evil?" dilemma.

Party Ben, "Computer Talk" (MP3)Tell me how you feel: I need a rendezvous, a rendezvous
When I feel like you're talking in a language I don't speak: Computer Love
This mashup is the bridge from the electronic section of the mix to the guitar section of the mix. The guitar hook of Coldplay's "Talk" is a sample of Kraftwerk's "Computer Love."

They Might Be Giants, "Ana Ng" (Youtube)Ana Ng and I are getting old and we still haven't walked
In the glow of each other's majestic presence.
I think this is the quintessential geek-rock love song, in that it is not so much about love, but the longing to be in love. Good choice, there, Topher.

Melt Wizard, "Weis & Hickman" (MP3)You're the Margaret Weis to my Tracy Fucking Hickman.
I don't quite picture Topher as a tabletop gamer, but this song was linked at Penny Arcade, so he may have it anyway.

Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives, "You Broke My Brain" (Youtube)My erudition knew no end;
Now I can barely count to ten.
Oh, you broke my brain.
We know that Topher's brain got really broken a little bit later, but he doesn't.

Art Brut, "Emily Kane" (Youtube)The torch that I hold is always aflame
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
A cute, excited lovesong, though maybe admitting that you're not over an ex is not the thing you want to tell a future partner.

Jonathan Coulton, "The Future Soon" (Streaming at artist's website)"I love you," signed, "Anonymous Friend."
JoCo's another obvious choice, but I love the idea of Topher loving this song despite the knowledge that he should have of what's about to come. Also, when hacking onto someone's computer, maybe the final song on the mix shouldn't include the threat of rape. I'm just saying, Topher.

One song that didn't make it onto the mix is Happy Evil Love Song, from Phineas and Ferb for a few reasons. One of them is that Topher doesn't actually acknowledge his own evil.

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linkage, love, music, fandom, tv

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