I Will Update You on My Life in Ten Words

Oct 15, 2009 22:00

Work: We are understaffed; I've been dealing with lots of stress.

RPG: Unknown Armies is fun. Look at my map. Cthulhu next.

Videogames: I just keep playing Mr. Driller; need to restart DDR.

Wedding: June 19; looking at Marrakesh House; working on guest list.

TV: Lots of fun stuff, Mercy's a surprise winner for me.

Fandom: Joined Whedonland on Team Angel. Having lots of fun playing.

Books: Reading LA history slowly, catching up on Escape Artist podcasts.

Weather: Rained two days, then back to heat. I miss the rain.

Clothes: Bought new shoes and pants; sitting between 36" and 38" waist.

This journal has moved to Dreamwidth. Entry originally posted at http://tablesaw.dreamwidth.org/426091.html.


wedding, games:rpgs, books, fandom, los angeles, games:videogames, work, tv

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