. . . Until It's Too Late

Sep 10, 2009 20:26

On Sunday, I was wiped out and still a little off balance because of my gut. Still,
ojouchan and I got up and out in time to meet Artistry, hahathor, tmcay, and QED at Olives at the Bellagio. Last week was Restaurant Week in Las Vegas, and a number of good restaurants were offering discounted prix fixe menus, with the proceeds going to charity. The lunch we had was three courses for only twenty dollars.

Twenty dollars and nine cents!!!!!!!

Yeah, nobody knew what was up with that.

Anyway, the food was good, and Ojou took pictures of it, so maybe we'll see it eventually.

After that, we took in parts of the strip. I got to see the inside of Planet Hollywood, which made me miss the Aladdin. We went to Coca-Cola World and M&M World. At M&M world, I got 3-D glasses that didn't work and had to run around the theater to watch the silly movie. I was starting to feel tired already, so we decided to split up at the MGM Grand. Ojou and I would head back to the hotel, while they continued Strip-searching.

We took the monorail, which was fun but expensive, walked back to the car, and drove back to the hotel, where I passed out for a little while.

When I woke up, we went to meet Artistry and Hathor at Carnevino at the Palazzo for more fancy food. By the time we got there, they'd already ordered two dishes of raw beef and a salad, which we helped them finish. We each ordered a dish ourselves, which arrived with their almost-raw filet mignon. QED and T McCay joined us as Artistry enjoyed a grappa.

Afterward, we walked across the street to the Wynn, where we went to Parasol Down to see the Lake of Dreams. A show was beginning as we took the curved escalator down, so we were "treated" to a giant frog lip-syncing to War's "Low Rider". Note scarequotes. It scar[r]ed me deeply. To take the pain away, I ordered una "flor de Jalisco," which was a very nice tequila-and-pomegranate cocktail.

Monday, Labor Day, I was still feeling tired, so I slept through the complementary breakfast. Ojou woke me up in time to pack up our luggage, check out, and head to the other hotel. We spent some time trying to solve Zebraboy3's Labor Day puzzles (not making very significant progress) while Ojou and Artistry looked around the hotel, and compared the two Embassy Suiteses for a possibly mini-convention next year.

Eventually, we decided to hit a traditional Vegas buffet, so we headed out to the new casino/hotel/resort M for their magnificent buffet spread. We stuffed our faces for a while, and spent a long time just talking at the table before we left.

Ojou and I picked up a Hathor for our car and headed home. Unsurprisingly, there was some traffic going back down the 15, we passed two major accidents that caused major traffic. To pass the time, the three of us switched out our iPods with the car stereo, playing a song each in rotation the entire way.

Having stuffed our faces earlier that afternoon, and faced with a time deficit getting back to LA, we didn't bother stopping for food (though we did occasionally snack on the M&Ms we'd gotten at M&M World) until we got to cramerica's apartment, where Hathor would be spending the next two nights. I don't remember what we did; I think we just watched TV; I was kind of zoned. Ojou and I went home and got ready for work the next morning.

Tuesday, work was slow, which was good because there was practically nobody there. At home, Ojou cooked fish, and we watched TV that we'd been letting pile up.

This journal has moved to Dreamwidth. Entry originally posted at http://tablesaw.dreamwidth.org/422488.html.


linkage, social, puzzles, sleep, puzzles:extravaganza, travel, health, npl, food

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