Mar 19, 2002 05:37

{singing} Work is slow, and the blog's updated...

Woke up early to see Ice Age with friends. 'Twas a surprisingly cute movie. Standard type of plot, but the characters had some nice nuances to keep the story interesting. Better, though, were the moments of pure Chuck Jonesin' heaven. The film's opening shots are some of the best "Bugs Bunny-style" animation I've seen in years. Crazy camera angles, overly exaggerated movements, impeccable timing. Cost nine dollars, though. I hate not being awake for matinees.

After the flick, I drove downtown for a day of overtime. Surprisingly, there was more traffic at 11:30pm than there usually is at 10:30. Part of this was due to an increase in trucks (though that could be merely a Monday thing); the rest was due to the CalTrans work that must get underway between 11:00 and 11:30.

Distro is dead. The only thing to happen has been an attorney who needed some files ASAP. Total time it took me: thirty-six minutes, which includes sixteen minutes trying to find a fax. Why do I know this? Because it's Timesheet Evaluation Week! Now all of my supervisors will know how little I'm doing half of the time. Oh sure, the other half I'm as busy as a frog leaping out of a well, but some days there's just nothing to be done. [Takes off bowler hat. Gives bowler hat to etc., etc.]

So I'm getting a little punchy. And I'm worried because I'm working during what is usually laundry time. My wardrobe is of finite depth, and I am running out of pants. Better see what I can get done when I get home.

More correspondence with girl from eharmony (who shall be referred to herein as "Harmony"). She's very cute, a petite Asian Lady who has not yet made any major spelling errors. I know this because I have now received pictures. I have also sent a picture, but eharmony has decided that it likes thumbnails better than regular files, so my picture just looks like some guy in a really big chair. It is this, but it should also be able to display the rugged charm of my facial features.

Oog. Really punchy now. Must get veek's permission to post Altoido story. Later, then.

personals, work, movies

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