Not So Lazy.

Aug 19, 2008 10:06

On Friday, we were on a trip to get ojouchan to Michaels, so that she could buy some supplies. On our way out, I realized I'd forgotten which street it was on, and we spent a little time threading through Glendale, just missing the strip mall every time. Ojou said she wanted to stop at Linens N Things, and petite_ingenue was hungry, so eventually we just parked. We had a meal a In-N-Out. Linens 'n' Things was three days away from liquidating, which meant big sales. Unfortunately, it also meant that most of the store had been picked clean. We got some towels, and Ingenue got a bunch of candles.

At that point, I felt like I'd wasted so much time driving that we should spend some time in Glendale. I mentioned I wanted to visit The Americana because I hadn't been there yet. Looking for a way out of the rather confusing parking structure, Ojou found an entrance to the Glendale Galleria, where she and Ingenue quickly went into Hot Topic, where they stayed for much longer than necessary because each one thought that the other one was still shopping when both were totally done with the store.

In the meantime, I tried to kill time looking at stuff at Game Stop Planet X. I noticed there have been a whole lot of Wii games released while I've been looking elsewhere. I'm going to need to figure out which are any good. I also saw Arcana Heart, which seems like it totally needs to be Ojou's game.

After we got out of Hot Topic, I explained to Ojou that this wasn't, actually, the mall I'd wanted to go to. I tried to explain the existence of a new, giant mall right next door, but she seemed doubtful. So I quickly led the way, and there it was.

We homed in on Barnes & Noble, and we all scattered. I left the ladies early and found a comfy chair in which I could peruse 500 Essential Graphic Novels: The Ultimate Guide. It made me sad that I hadn't read more of them. When Ojou found me, she offered to get The Long Way Home using part of a gift from twilightsyren. She got a book of patterns for cute things.

The Barnes & Noble was also helpful because it had only recently moved from the strip mall witht he Michaels, so we asked the information desk where the store used to be. We hit Michaels where I found a small corner to read my Buffy comic while Ojou shopped. Eventually, we got home, and I passed out.

On Saturday, things were much lazier. I got up late, and stayed home while Ojou and Ingenue went to get their nails done. I played some Metroid, and watched last week's Venture Bros. Eventually, I made my way to Franklin Canyon Park. I got out of the house a bit later than I had intended, and I made the mistake of staying on the south side of the mountains when I drove there. So I only ended up taking a trip up and down the Hastain Trail.

For people-watching, it was a different experience. I usually stay on out-of-the-way trails on weekday mornings. The most people I ever see are in Griffith Park. But walking up a trail in a park abover Beverly Hills is very different. For example, there were two very beautiful women walking their dogs in full makep. It was a bit disconcerting. There were two guys discussing a tech venture. And at one point, I passed a guy who may, in retrospect, have been Ed Begley, Jr.

Walking through the hills like that, on a summer afternoon, with the sun setting, made me feel like I was back in the '90s, in late high school or early college. Back then, I wouldn't so much hike as just go wandering along the streets by car and by foot. I'd listen to the quiet in the high places of Los Angeles and watch the sun slant westward. As I wound through the shadowed canyons, I listened to "Come Lady Death," the way I once listened to Joe Frank while driving back home from a sunset in Malbu.

Ojou and company were getting ready for a night of goth clubbing, so I did a bit of shopping. I wanted to have dinner somewhere that reminded me of ten years ago, but I couldn't think of anything. The Chinese restaurant by my high school has long since changed ownership, and I wanted something more substantial than the multitude of fast-food franchises we would occasionally drop by. I found that even in my nostalgia, what I really craved was a meal, any meal, cooked by my fianceé. In the end, I stopped by the Poquito Más on Cahuenga, where the casts of high school plays would reconvene after a long rehearsal.

The full moon rose early and large as I drove home.

SatNYTX: 42; 14D may be regional, and I can't get a good confirmation on it. SatLATX: 17:30. TueNYTX: 4:15.


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