Aug 11, 2008 09:36

Well, ibarw has ended, and I'm left with a bunch of half-finished posts. But as oyceter says, "It's still International Blog Against Racism Week Month Year Unspecified Amount of Time," so I'll post them when I get a chance to finish them.

In other news, my previous post now has a response from both my father and my sister, if you're interested in what they have to say.

I had to work a ten-day stretch so this weekend was mostly about not working. ojouchan was gone for Friday, so I got to spend this weekend without time-shifting, which was helped get a bit more sleep. I did spend a lot of time watching the Olympics, as promised. Because of my odd schedule, I'm behind on the "popular events" (the ones that NBC will only allow to be broadcast during American prime time). So I haven't been seeing as much swimming, diving or gymnastics. I have been watching handball, badminton, and weightlifting.

Speaking of wightlifting, new Olympic crush:

Marilou Dozois-Prévost, 10th place in the 48kg class (76, 90, 166)


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