And also to let people know I am still alive, just being killed slowly by all the work I have to do before the holidays. I gots to say, going to the post office with all the Radio Comix packages at Christmas is terrible. Everyone glares at us! I hope to be able to get to some fic writing again over the holidays, since there won't be any point to trying to send mail order out the few days before Christmas. ^_^;
Anyway, this is a gratuitous icon post because
dorojosama made me two new icons for Christmas! I totally fangirled her Spike costume she did for
Yaoi-Con at Halloween, and got an idea for a silly girl!Spike fic because of it, so she made me a girl!Spike icon using one of her cosplay photos. And then she made the "wanker" one I'm using on this post just for grins. So, yeah, there's my boss, dressed as Spike. Hee! You can see the other icon
here with all my other ones. (Which I still wish I could credit everyone on- I can't remember who made half of them!)
Back to work for me. I am helping the afore-mentioned boss with stuff this week, since they have a lot of deadlines. But she helped me with the subscriptions, so I can't complain. ^_^
Happy holidays everyone! ^_^