I'm in your country!

Aug 17, 2010 09:46

I'm on vacation this week! It's my first paid vacation ever so I'm constantly pausing from whatever I'm doing and thinking hah - I am being paid to not be at work!

Right now, I'm in a hotel room in Buffalo, NY. I'm in your country! <3 Not doing anything particular here except shopping. Some things are cheaper, some are more expensive, but mostly there's just a lot of stuff we don't have in Canada.

Crossing the border took 45 minutes. It was ridiculous. Mostly because every other line of cars was moving but ours was not. I couldn't see what was taking the front of the line so long... I'm wondering if they just shut down the line whenever they pull someone inside for further questioning? But that seems awfully inefficient.

Once I got to the booth, I was only asked my citizenship, where I was going, how long I'd be there, and why I was going there in the first place. Then he scrutinized my passport for two minutes straight on his computer.

I haven't been to the States since they've tightened security, so it was rather nerve wracking. Used to be you didn't even need your passport.

I've already spent two thirds of the cash I brought over. Thank goodness for credit cards. :)
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