Romania To-Do List:
- Send thank-you cards to supporters!
- Get into a routine of 20-30 minutes a day practicing Romanian and all the BC music.
- Make sure to save/set aside enough money to cover rent and bills while I'm gone. (
- Learn how to make mămăligă. (Just cuz I've been wanting to, and maybe I can make it for the office before I leave, to give them a taste of my home-away-from-home.)
- Get fitted for a choir dress. (And there was much rejoicing... "yay." hehe.)
- See about getting a daily devotional thingamajig put together like we had last summer -- that was SO beneficial in my effort to have consistent morning quiet times, and also helped me to keep a really thorough journal throughout the trip, which is something I wasn't able to do the first time going with Bel Canto.'s an idea. Okay, first a story, then an idea.
Story: last summer, our team leader Chris put together a 40-day Scripture-reading guide that she spent weeks praying over and adding different passages as she felt led. It was basically the most amazing thing ever, because almost every day's passage fit in somehow with what I (or we as a team) needed to focus on for that day. That's the really brief version of the story. :) So the next part is the...
Idea: If you feel so prompted by the Spirit, or something, send me a verse or a passage (or even a whole chapter!) that you think I might need to read or could benefit from or that would help me focus on God and on His purpose for me in Romania, and I'll compile a devotional similar to the one Chris made for us. From departure to arrival, the trip will be 21 days, so if 21 people send me stuff, I can have a different passage each day. But feel free to send more than one, or even suggest a different daily quiet time idea.
Okay...I probably have a bunch more I could add to my to-do list above, but I've got to get some sleep. I'll leave you with your first Romanian lesson: around the Easter holiday/season, it is customary in Romanian Pentecostal/Baptist churches to greet each other with, "Christ is risen!" followed by the response: "He is risen indeed!" So, if I say to you, "Hristos a înviat!" then you would say, "A devărat a înviat!" ...and if you're intimidated by the's kinda hard. Haha! But I'll help you if you really want to learn it!
Noapte bună! (Good night!)
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