Feb 24, 2008 22:03
So I've had this big long drawn out entry planned out for a while but I really just can't seem to properly articulate all I want and need to say.
There hasn't been all that much going on in my life right now but I must say, Kevin Smith is either the funniest man alive or the biggest asshole. I just spent the last 2 hours watching an Evening with Kevin Smith 2 and he comes across as a gigantic asshole but in a manner that has everyone laughing so you forget he's an asshole. This could be a bit or maybe he really is a big ass who likes making money off of making fun of college students who come to see him.
Then while taking a quick peak around the internet, I found an interesting article about why women like jerks. I found it interesting as I always seem to be attracted on some intellectual level to said assholes and jerks. It gave the female side of why women are attracted to these jerks and then the male opinion as well. The female point was "your attracted to the jerk until he's a jerk to you" and then the oh so easy "Don't let yourself be attracted to things (people) that are bad for you" Well if people could do that there would be no vices in this world. Vegas would be an abandoned ghost town read about in fairy tales. I for one tend to think I'm attracted to these jerks because I like the say it how it is attitude which usually comes with not caring about most people. And even the biggest jerks tend to be nice to someone, at the very least when its in their best interest. Most guys tend to at least be nice to their moms. You should never trust a man that is mean to his mother. (The same rule of thumb is not true for the mother/daughter dynamic.)
The man says "We nice guys have to turn into jerks to get into a girls pants" No, no you don't, but maybe having a pair and asking a girl out might be nice. The nice guy becomes a friend only when the nice guy doesn't ask the girl out. The man only becomes a "jerk" when he goes after something, gets it, and then moves on to the next thing he wants. This process may be one night, a few weeks, a few years etc. The other thing the male perspective had worth mentioning was that women want to change the man to the nice guy they think he is underneath but in the end he just becomes the asshole. Now ladies, men I know I instantly thought of at least one or two people I've encountered that fit that description so I am assuming you did as well. I've had male friends and "companions" who have given me the shirt off their back when I needed it, when it was convenient for them, but other times left me stranded with a flat tire. Were they actually sweethearts at first because I had gotten underneath their asshole exterior to the sweet man they were underneath? No, it was just more convenient for their agenda.
The only lesson learned in this article and any relationship article is a person shouldn't and wont change. That's the main clue for anything right there.
The only lesson I learned tonight....I need to invest in a better corkscrew.