Nov 11, 2004 15:29
-*Name Backwards: ahtibat
-*Does your name mean anything?: ummmm no but i associate it with witches
-*Were you named after anyone?: tabitha from b*witched
-*Nick Name(s): Tab tabi tabi*cat
-*Current Location: my bed
-*Height: 5'4''
-*Hair Color: blonde
-*Eye Color: changes
-*Innie or Outie?: innie
-*Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: righty
-*Boyfriend: no-one
-*Crush: not telling
-*Funniest friend: kimmmy
-*Craziest friend: idk they're all crazy
-*Loudest Friend: Kimmy
-*Person you cry with?: katherine
-*Any sisters: no
-*Any brothers: 2 brothers
-*A Disease: no
-*A Pager:
-*A Personal phone number: cell phone
-*A leather jacket with studs on it?: yea minus the studds
-*A Car: my escape
*Describe Your... *
-*Personality: easy (not sexually)...a doormat...i just cant be mean
-*Room: pinkkk
-*Shoes: which ones should i describe
-*Bed: queen sized... cherry wood... PINK sheets
-*Believe in yourself: nope
-*Do you believe in love at first sight?: no but it can b a feeling that could lead to love
-*Consider yourself a good listener? yes
-*Consider yourself a good friend: yes
-*Get Along with your parents: yeah
-*Save your e-mail conversations: nope
-*Believe in reincarnation: nah
-*Like to make fun of people: no
-*Like to talk on the phone: only to certain people
do you... *
-*Get motion sickness: sometimes
-*Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: no
-*Dream in color: yea
-*Type with your fingers on home row: sometimes
-*Sleep with a stuffed animal: if i could find them
*What Is/Are/Was... *
-*On your mouse pad: its a laptop... no mouse pad
-*Your dream honeymoon spot: idk yet... italy gondala prolly
-*Single most important question: what do YOU want for urself?
-*Your bad time of the day: right when i wake up
-*Your worst fear(s): death
-*The weather is like: spring and fall
-*The date?: um...the 11th
-*Your funniest experience: wow way to many
-*The silliest thing you've said: i dont remember what happened 5 seconds ago
-*The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): too many
-*The worst feeling in the world: i dont kno
-*The best feeling in the world: being cared about by friends
-*Color: pink
-*Day: saturday
-*Month: december
-*Season: winter
-*Flower: pink roses
-*State: new york
*This or that*
-*Me/You: you
-*Coke/pepsi: pepsi
-*Day/night: night
-*Aol/aim: AIM
-*Cd/casette: cd
-*Dvd/vhs: dvd
-*Jeans/khakis: jeans
-*Car/truck: suv
-*Lunch/dinner: both
-*Britney/Christina: britney
-*Lipstick/Lipgloss: Lipgloss
-*Silver/Gold: silver & white gold
*Love and relationships*
-*Do you have a bf/gf?: no
-*Do you have a crush: yes
-*How long have you liked him/her?: long time
-*What do you miss about them?: everything... but especially not being able to talk to him
*The past*
-*What is the one thing you would change about your past?: someone
*What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: idk
-*Last thing you heard: disney music
-*Last thing you saw: this question
-*Last thing you said: ummmm
-*Who is the last person you saw?: daddy
-*Who is the last person you kissed?: parents
-*Who is the last person you hugged?: amy
-*Who is the last person you fought with?: kat
-*Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: kat
*The present*
-*What are you wearing?: PJs
-*what are you doing?: this thingy
-*Where are you?: my room
-*How are you feeling?: fustrated... my AIM just disconnected
-*Are you in a chat room?: noo
-*What day is it tomorrow?: saturday
-*What are you going to do after this?: talk online if i gety it working
Who are you going to talk to?: ppl online
-*How old will you be when you graduate?: 17
-*What do you wanna be when your older?: lawyer
*Have you ever*
-*Smoked?: yes
-*Had sex?: no
-*Done anything illegal?: yes
-*Wanted to die?: im afraid of death
-*Hit someone?: not rele... i kicked someone in the balls tho
-*Do you write in cursive or print?: both
-*What piercings do you have: ears wanna tongue
-*Do you drive?: yes.. senior lisence
-*Do you have glasses or braces?: glasses
-*Do you wear a watch?: no
-*Favorite pants/skirt color?: jeans
-*Most expensive item of clothing?: do accessories count
-*What kind of shoes do you wear?: everything
-*How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?):sometimes
-*Why would you wanna act old?: so ppl will like me more
-*What are your worst qualities: every single thing
-*What are your best qualities: my friendship if nething