Classes, obsessions and too much thinking

Jan 31, 2011 13:00

I apologize for not updating here nearly enough. Classes and other things have been keeping me thoroughly busy with class stuff, obsessive fun and just way too much thinking. On top of that I'm working to prepare for a visit from mateo_kewn and rizzy_rau on the weekend of my birthday. Much fun will be had as there are plans for zoo trips and other such goodies along with the casual just hangin' out stuff to do. It will be nice. I've not really had a real birthday party in some time. And even though this wouldn't really be a birthday party, it'll feel like it.

Even so there's so much to do before they come here to stay with us. Major house cleaning and I need to get a proposal done for my research paper in Art History class. As well as the draft for my first big essay for my college writing class. I want to be able to sit back, and just relax and geek out and enjoy the company of friends.

Anyways, in the way of classes. I've got Art History and College Writing ever Tuesday and Thursday. Art History runs from 9:30am - 10:45am every morning. Then I have a break until 12:30pm when I start my writing class which runs until 1:45pm. I get home usually around 2pm and have about 20 minutes to relax before Allen gets home from school. It's kinda frustrating and busy on those days, but I will say I do not regret going back to classes. Things will ease up with having a break after class as Allen will be starting his after school programs on Monday, February 14th.

Right now in Art History, we're gearing up for a research paper. The instructor wants us to take a piece of art from our text book that interests us. I'm completely torn at this point in time. I remember the first day when we started taking notes the first piece that really impressed on me and had me giggling like an immature furry was "Human with a feline head". I know, I couldn't help but giggle and say "prehistoric furries" in my head. But I found myself later contemplated, are they related to a God or Goddess, like in Egyptian times? Or was it just "Art for the sake of art"? It's had me puzzling and wondering about doing some sort of research paper on that. The other idea revolved around Stonehenge. So many people want to claim and say the ancient Celtic Druids made it because of how it revolved around and worships the Solstice. But at the same time, this monument is dated before the first Celtic Druids practices. Could this be ancestors of the druids? Or is it just another clan of another time? I'm really torn about either idea and both hold lot of interest to me and I don't think I'd have a problem sitting and doing research on them, it's really just a matter of which one? So tell me, oh wondrous viewers from the land of LJ. Which would you be more interested in seeing? I'll likely post the essay here when it's done in the case anyone would be interested. So.. which would you like to read?

In other news i've got my first test in Art history on Thursday. I've printed out all the pictures she's given us on the study guide and written their information on the back of them. Thirty-eight images. Only ten of them will be on the test. From Prehistoric era to the Egyptian Period.

College Writing has consisted of two papers so far, then lots of reading. We're going to be assigned our first big Essay Tuesday. I'm anxious to see what we get to write about for the first topic. We'll see tomorrow.

More of a life update. Obsessions with How To Train Your Dragon and the Slender Man Mytho still hang strong and I geek out on them on a semi regular basis. Seriously. Slender Man will probably be the only thing I will ever commend Something Awful for, but it is a brilliant piece of work in my eyes and there are so many stories that are being born with it. I admit, I have an ARG(Alternate Reality Game) Blog that I've made for it. And I have fun with it in my spare time. It's really nice to have something to go to for a creative outlet as it's been really hard for me to do anything of an artistic nature in the past few weeks/months. It's nice, really nice to have at least something creative to do. I really wanna draw more too. but I'm thinking on my birthday weekend I'm going to stay away from the computer and chill with my friends downstairs and just work on art and geek. It will be of the ultimate fun and relaxing :3

Hmm... trying to think of more to say but I think I've run my thoughts dry, which is good cause I've been thinking way too much in the last few weeks and it's been eating my mind and keeping me way more preoccupied than I should be. Anyways I'm gonna go, get my reading done and then see if I can manage to draw something. is having a Valentine's Day contest and I'd like to try and get something in for it if possible. Not sure how likely I'll be to get it done though. I guess we'll see.

Anyways off I go. See ya all later. I'll try and update more often if I can.
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