I personally think this is all bullshit. I am of the population that, when intrigued by the campaign of "Yes on 4, No on 5" during election season, actually went and looked up what 4 and 5 meant. 4 meant more of the status quo, with a "promise" to keep smoking away from children, or areas where children would be. Meaning, it includes schools, but not day cares. Also, it was apparently under the impression that children are the only ones who get asthma, lung cancer, and other such respiratory diseases from second-hand. 5 said, "OH WAIT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT GET SICK TOO OMG", like the elderly, and just about everyone between the young children and the very old guys. It said, "you serve food, stop having a smoking section or smoking at all". Public places are not to have smoking areas, unless they are a casino or outside. I was totally down for this.
I, as a child, lived with second-hand smoke for years as both my parents smoked. Even thinking about it makes me feel ill. I always ask to sit in the nonsmoking section, can't stand the smell of smoke, and will never light up. Ever. Now, this is my choice. I understand that others have a right to choose as well. I don't approve of this particular choice, but whatever. With alcohol, at least their drug of choice is not making the environment unhealthy to be in, biologically. Unpleasant, sure, but not unhealthy biologically. Smoking, on the other hand? Quite simply, it fouls up the air for everyone. Everyone can be made sick by this. Not just children, and not only in certain places. No one asks me when I'm in a public place if I think it's okay for them to smoke around me, who can just as easily as anyone else develop serious respiratory problems. No. Instead, we have to ask that they stop. It's like asking someone pooping in your drinking water to stop. They should have, at the very least, the courtesy to ask if it's all right. Which I wholeheartedly say no. BVut you get the sentiment.
I know, as a Democracy, we have the right to overturn laws that we feel are not right, based on the accepted constitution. The only thing I can see these people losing, if people can't smoke in their establishments, is that people drink less. It's very common for people to smoke and drink at the same time, and if they can smoke, they often drink more. This will stop them from having to throw people out for drinking too much, and allow for people to order food. Also, all the nonsmoking patrons don't have to wonder if this particular visit is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. So, boo-hoo they lose money in regards of people drinking. People will eat, people will still gamble, and people will not sue them for single-handedly causing their need for an oxygen tank. Nonsmokers don't have the money sink that is cigarettes, and therefore have more money. Their employees will be less sick, so they won't need to have to find replacements all the time.
Unconstitutional, you say? How the fuck? On what grounds? I'd like to protect my breathing air, thanks. Excuse me while I curtly ignore your rights to a legal drug as you ignored mine for clean air for years.
Immediate Edit: Also, where were all of these people on voting day, if they are so riled up about it?