May 26, 2007 08:41
So. Last night, I discovered that my mother has the movie-watching comprehension (not to be confused with reading comprehension) of a hyperactive dolphin.
Anywa. After last night's little pirategasm, I sat down and wrote for an hour. Yeah, as incoherent as I was, I hammered out--wait. I don't want to tell you! It's a secret. Anyway, the big part of the story and the explanation of the title is coming up in the next part of this scene, which will also foreshadow into later stories in this series. But anyway. The preceding stuff? Hammered out with my skull-and-crossbones notebook and sparkly green pen. I started the pen on Monday, and it's Saturday now. The pen is almost dead. If I finish this scene today (For the love of GOD, please let me finish this scene today. I'VE ONLY BEEN WORKING ON IT SINCE WEDNESDAY.), then I do believe it will either be dead or sputtering. Yay!
If you're wondering when you should come over, Bryan, let it be known that I'm wondering too. No one is telling me when the parents are leaving, and I also don't know if you want to come before or after they leave. *sigh* Whatever, that's later. That's a problem for Future-Bryan and Future-Tabetha. Let those guys deal with it.
fucking family,