Warm Flagship

May 16, 2007 08:57

I slept in an extra two hours because I was still sleepy when 6 AM rolled around. In retaliation, I had dreams.

At first, it was very... school-like. Some class I was taking had a ton of people I knew in it. There was Amber, Jordan, Shane, Bryan, and some other people my brain just created arbitrarily, like some girl with long dark brown hair, big boobs, and always dressed in black and white stripes. But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was after this "class" when I was driving home. Weird thing is, part of my commute was backwards, as in, I was going TO school for some of it, but I registered this as going HOME. Anyway.

I got to some interssection that looked much like Cheyenne and Pecos, and there was a huge sign that said, "Must Proceed Armed". I saw a bunch of middle-school age kids walking on the other side of this sign, many of them looked at said sign in horror and calling their parents on their cell phones. There were cop cars everywhere, and many cops on foot with guns drawn. Now, for some reason, I had a gun among my things, but I didn't want to take it out. I was convinced that this was armed enough, and drove along my merry way.

These section of necessary gun-totage was from that spot all the way to my house. There was some sort of manhunt for these two black guys in a red pickup that were threatening people on the streets for their money, and shooting them regardless of whether or not they got it. I saw them several times on my trek home, and tried to not look at them and draw their attention. One time, one of them came up to my window at a stoplight and banged on it with the butt of their gun. The guns they had kept changing. I drove off as fast as I could, and they shot at my truck. At one point, I had been shot myself, but in my dream, if I didn't register it, it would not have happened. My windows were all shot out as well.

I finally got to my neighborhood to see it crawling with cops. Apparently, there was some sort of car accident on my street related to the man hunt.

All the while, in my dream? I kept thinking, "I just HAVE to write 'I was shot at today.' in my LJ."

But yeah... I think my subconscious was punishing me for sleeping in a bit.

nlv, neighborhood, school, high school, driving, bryan, jordan, amber, sleep, lj, dreams

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