Oct 10, 2008 13:07

So I got tired of feeling like shit. I was on my period and I got dragged out of the house to go "work out" by Stacey. Lol we ended up coming back to my apartment afterward and sitting on the computer. Anywho, she was like "You should totally apply at Toys R Us" and since it was about 1am, I did. Spent about a freaking hour answering questions before it was done. Then Stacey went home and I went to bed thinking I'd have to call Toys R Us next week and be like "Heyyyyy wtffffffff??"

Nope. Tabby was wrong.

Woke up to a voice mail on my cell... from Toys R Us. Lmao they called me not 8 hours after I clicked SEND. So, I started thinking, then panicking, then full on freaking out. My train of thought:

1)Ok I'll call them back...
2)But they want to interview me this afternoon...
3)I have the car!!!
4)Wait... car isn't registered....
5)It's Friday anyways, Tony'll be off early...
6)Wait. He's not home yet. Fuck, he won't be off early!
7)Call Stacey! She'd probably help!
8)Aaaaaaaaand Stacey is stuck AT Toys R Us waiting for her car to be fixed... Great.
9)Call Mom! She'll know what to do!

Lmao and my Mom proved yet again she is the greatest woman I know. Her advice: Tell them you can come into an interview today, but it'd have to be after 5pm, and make sure to let them know that you are available for tomorrow as well. And don't freak out too much, they called you, they NEED you.

I love that woman.

I called them back and the chick, Melissa, asked me a few questions (OH! Proud Tabby moment! I put down that I'm available anytime during the week, but that I wanted to keep my weekends free. And she was like "well... we need to have someone for one of the weekend days..." so I was like "Oh, ok, that's fine" Then she asked me which one. I thought for like 2 seconds then said "Sunday" and she was like "Good! We always need people on Sunday!" OMG SCORE! Lmao yea... So GO ME!) then said I have two options: come in at 1pm today (it was 1240) for an interview or next Thursday at 3pm.

My interview is next Thursday at 3pm!

But she told me it was a group interview then it goes to one-on-one interviews. GREAT. Not. Lol

I'm really nervous. I was reading about Toys R Us interviews, and I guess you have to "sell" an item to the person interviewing you. Like, you go and pick a toy, then promote it. Yea. FUN. I'm not pushy or anything, and I can't talk on the spot to strangers, so that might be difficult... especially since they have quotas for their employees. I'm sure I could do it, it's just new and scary right now.

They also asked if I had worked a cash register before, I said no. Then later she asked if I'd be comfortable working one, and I said "Of course, but I'd have to learn how to work one, which would be no problem at all". Which was redundant now that I look back, but meh. Lol I was flustered and freaking out... LOL Tabby is going to suck.

But anywho... Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed!
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