Dec 21, 2005 23:55
This has been a rough week and it's only late Wednesday night! The update on Grams is that she is scheduled for surgery Thursday, December 22, 2006 around 1:00 p.m. Eastern time (which for all you Chicago and/or Central Daylight Time Zone people is 12pm noon). They will try to do a spinal block for the hip replacement (so she doesn't have to undergo the risks of general anesthesia). She is very apprehensive but trying to trust God.
I'm still running in freaked-out mode. my parents are already out in PA (they had originally planned to leave yesterday morning and got the phone call after they'd already left). we're (me and num) leaving as early as possible tomorrow morning which is going to be an interesting experience seeing as how i'm still trying to do laundry before attempting to pack, i'm exhausted and really need to get to bed soon, and 'Cole's still here. iyiyi. and we're under somewhat pressure to leave as soon as we can so that we can make it there before visiting hours are over so we can see Grams.
i have a lot of decisions to make really soon and it's not an easy process. i'm really down about some stuff right now and don't know how to handle it. it's like, one day you think that something got resolved and then the next day you feel bad about what happened and it's still not resolved and you feel even more guilty and horrible. i don't know what to do, i really don't. me and communication are bitter enemies, it seems, and it's been that way for a long time. i really need to get past that. ........someday, right?............*sigh*