Aug 04, 2005 10:50
its odd...the wheels are in motion...i'm cleaning up my office and putting into a "normal" organizational system for whomever replaces me. i'm soon going to have to take down all my pictures and posters and stuff...I've really made this place my own from the black and white framed photos I took to the rock climbing posters, idealistic sayings and the organinc rootbeer bottle sitting next to my moniter. I'd like to think that i made this office a welcoming place for all who enter...but its never really truly clean...its organized to me, but not to anyone else...*sigh* all of this hard work just sitting on the bulletin boards...the budget i completely revamped...i'm not sure anyone but me would understand why I did things the way i did here. whats the clients in the apartments beside my office going to think when they dont hear nelly furtado, 50 cent, shinedown and joss stone all intermingled together? whats my replacement going to be he/she going to be better than me? In 30 minutes i will tell my entire staff my decision and tomorrow my job gets internally posted...
its certainly an interesting feeling...but i don't feel like i failed anymore...its been made clear to me that i did not fail this position or this agency.
I think whats making it the easiest is knowing why riverview called...they hadn't given me any thought for the position because they knew i was working here...but more than one patient asked if they'd call me. If you all knew who they were you'd be amazed too..then spurwink called for a reference and so they knew i was looking. to know that i was good enough to get asked to come back months later at the first opportunity rocks my world...
i think i did well on my test this morning...can't wait for tonight...was up till almost 2 last night...absolutely totally worth it...its nice to have a good conversation with someone really cool...too bad i kept waking myself up coughing and because i wasn't sleeping much last week sammy feels the need to wake me up at 5 every morning now like i did to him...