Nov 07, 2004 13:06
I'm sitting here on Sunday...I didn't go to church this morning...add that to the number of weeks/months/years since I've been. I wanted to go today...this fight with God is probably getting old to both of us and there have been times when He's been there for me...anyway I'm digressing rather early...the point of all of this is that I avoided church today for many many reasons one of the top ones being the recent ban on gay marriage passed by 11 states. This bothers me a great deal. The basis for an argument for it is primarly that marriage is suppose to be between a man and a woman in a union under God. SO with that being said, I feel that it is time for me to say exactly what i feel on the topic. If you are extremely religious, can't handle my sarcasm on the topic, OR feel you might be offended by MY OPINION please READ NO FURTHER.
Further DIsclaimer: I do not hate God, I do not hate Religion, I've read the bible cover to cover, I used to pray, I used to go to church, I was almost saved once...I just truly believe in the seperation of church and state.
I hate the fact that a man and a woman who are not religious, are not in love, are not committed, and could have only just met each other can walk up to a priest, a justice of the peace, a notary republic or whatever and get married, just because she has a vagina and he has a penis and thats the combination God likes. yet two men or two woman who may be in love, and may have spirituality, want to truly want to spend the rest of their lives together cannot.
Maybe we should continue to ban things that God doesn't agree with...obviously its a priority in this country:
1) God dislikes its illegal.
2) God dislikes abortions...lets overturn Roe Vs Wade
3) God isn't a fan of premarital sex, afterall procreation should be in honor of God....its illegal
4) Marriage is a religious institution, so if you aren't religious its now "I don't, not I do"
Okay now that no one can get divorced, gay people can't get married, abortions are illegal, and no one is having premarital sex this country is saved. THere is no longer hunger or homelessness, murders, rapes, domestic violence, suicide, drug abuse, the economy is fine, our wilderness is great, our air is fresh, we have all the oil we could ever want, terrorism is not a threat, young men and women are not dying in Iraq, everyone has affordable meds and all are insured, no one is losing their job, there is no lower class, we're all in the upper percentile SES, and there are no gun control issues.
Thank You America for your priorities
just remember...he's not my president and i didn't vote for him.